Shayna and I hung out today. The parking lot was full at the restaurant so we parked in the far back side and enjoyed a long leisurely lunch.
When we came back out Shayna was ahead of me, jumped right in the car and closed the door. I said aloud “I don’t remember parking this close”, but Shayna already had the door closed and didn’t hear me so I dismissed that thought thinking I must have remembered wrong since I often forget where I’ve parked.
I wanted to put my leftovers in the back seat, but there were clothes taking up that space. I thought to myself “I don’t remember those being there. Oh well, I guess I will have to put the bag on the front seat.” Again dismissing that thought because the children often leave all kinds of junk in the back seat.
I got in the car, set the food between Shayna and me, shut the door and started looking for my keys.
Immediately Shayna pointed out the photos on the dashboard stating “I don’t remember these.” And asking, “Mom, why do you have these pics here?” and as she asked “who are they?”
I gasped! And said “Oh my gosh!” and we both looked at each other, gasped, screamed, laughed and leaped out of the car, quickly shutting the door and walking away as fast as our feet would take us, while laughing hysterically!
We had been in the wrong car! We not only got in, but shut the door and started searching for keys.
I do not know if the owner of the car saw us. We hope not! Ha ha!
I should mention that the car is the same model and color, inside and out as my car…which is quite unusual! I’ve never seen another like it before today. That makes me feel a little better about accidentally getting in a strangers car.
I’m still laughing!
wrong car
right car