Shop Just Wish

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July Update -- Finally.  : )

Hello all ... it's been almost two months since our last update, and I've got to say that our growth in that time has been asbsolutely staggering. We are truly a global company, with more than 500 sales to date and 175 orders last month alone!
We're shipping all over the world as well as the United States. You can see where our customers are on the world map below, which is updated every night. It's amazing. We've reached almost every area of the US, and a few changes in our shipping policies has opened up almost every country in the world to Shop Just Wish. We're creating custom orders now in multiple languages across the globe. How cool is that?
From a business perspective, our growth has happened so fast that we continue to consider how to approach the scaling issue -- our once-upon-a-time "hobby" is now a full-time venture that continues to exceed our most ambitious expectations. It's all we can do to fill the orders as they come in and maintain proper accounting of it all. So far, we've managed to keep our heads above water but in the long run we're going to have to figure out how to meet the increasing demand for our products. We can't change our propietary process without affecting the quality of our product since this is likely the single most important reason for our success. On the other hand, we will eventually reach a point that we can't meet demand without increasing our ability to supply that demand.
We're considering a number of ways to solve this problem as it emerges. These include contracting with individuals or a company and then demonstrating and teaching our method so we can spend more time on custom orders and less making the base form of our products. Another possibility is simply hiring and training people to work for our company, but this inevitably opens up the employer/employee range of issues like payroll, health insurance, human resources, taxation concerns, coporate policy matters, and so on. There are other approaches we're looking at and eventually we'll pick the course that makes the most sense for us.
Wholesale opportunities are another area we can exploit, but until we resolve our scaling and distribution issues we can't really venture too far into that arena. We've gingerly taken a few steps in that direction but in a limited way so as not to overwhelm the rest of the business. Our purpose there really is to learn and understand, develop relationships with companies who already want to wholesale our products, and be ready to move after we've settled the scaling and distribution issues.
We are very excited to be attending our first public "market" venue this weekend! We were approached by a wonderful group of folks who stage 3 or 4 such events every year in Des Moines, Iowa about buying a booth and appearing with 40 or so other vendors. We applied and were "jury selected" to participate this weekend and again on Black Friday right after Thanksgiving this year. To date, all of our business has occurred online and this is our first opportunity to directly interact with customers and showcase our products in person. We've bought extra inventory and devoted a lot of time to making it all purchase-ready for customers, in addition to filling the orders that keep rolling in off the internet. This has been an incredibly busy month for us but the experience we hope to gain at "Market Day" will be invaluable as we look ahead to eventually working trade shows as well as more market-type, direct interaction situations.
Our business plan continues to change as all of these variables and factors come into play. We realize that we are on the precipice of some very big decisions that will likely dramatically change our lives. These are heady, profound things to consider and one year into opening our doors for business, we are navigating uncharted waters we never expected to be in. And, all this now as we enter what will probably be our most demanding (and rewarding) seasons -- before school starts, after Thanksgiving, and the run up to Christmas. It's all very exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Yes, for those of you that keep asking, we watch "Shark Tank" every week. Our favorite is Kevin, "Mr. Wonderful". His emphasis on discipline, understanding scaling and distribution, and safeguarding the all-important cash flow is a real inspiration to us. We don't always find answers to the issues we're dealing with but we have actually learned a lot by watching people make their pitches to the sharks and then listening carefully to what they need to see in a company and its individuals before they are willing to make an investment. It's entertaining too, of course, but over time it's caused us to think about many aspects of our own business we hadn't considered.
All in all, we're overjoyed at the success of Shop Just Wish. Though we have a lot of unexpected issues to contend with, we're confident we'll solve them and our knowledge and understanding is growing. We knew going into this that about 80 to 90 percent of these kinds of businesses fail in their first year and our expectations were simply to make a little extra money and supplement our income. Somehow we've managed to not just survive, but grow at an astonishing rate. It's been an amazing journey so far.
The MBA program I'll be entering this Fall will help infuse knowledge and information into our business at just the right time -- we're excited about the opportunites this will give us. We'll be able to use our company as a laboratory for new ideas and, hopefully, help us solve the scaling, distribution, and other issues that have appeared along with our success. But there will be no complaining here. We've worked very hard and managed every potential problem so far and we've also been blessed at almost every turn so far. We are reminded of the quote that "luck is when preparation meets opportunity". So far, so good.
For now, we're keeping our eyes wide open, being careful to stay within our limits and not over-reach, and looking forward to solving the issues that will allow us to go the next level -- whatever that may look like. Until then, we want to say "thank you" to everyone who has encouraged and helped us in so many ways ... and we will always be grateful to all of you. We'll update everyone after our Market Day event in Des Moines this weekend and let you know what this new experience was like.  : )

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Now, at the bottom of the page on our Shop Just Wish blog, you'll find a worldwide map of all of our sales from across the United States and other countries ... just scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see everywhere we've made sales across the United States and other countries!
How cool is that? It's updated nightly to reflect all new sales and we have to say, we were shocked when we first saw it! We've managed to get our brand from coast to coast and almost everywhere in between ... and outside the United States as well. It's amazing.  : )

Here are some sneak peeks of the new colors for our
Library Card Due Date T-shirt ...
The Library Card Due Date T-shirt in new Light Pink!
Here is the Library Card Due Date T-shirt in new Soft Blue!
And, here is the original Library Card Due Date T-shirt in White:
All of these shirts, as well as the Notebook Graphic Paper T-shirt,
are now available in original White, Light Pink, Soft blue, and Daisy Yellow.
We'll keep rolling out the new colors ...
 and a very special new graphic coming next month!
Thanks to an awesome suggestion from Kathryn's father, we're starting work 
on a prototype for a music-related shirt that we can't wait to finish.  : )
And to everyone, we thank you for another record-setting month in May.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The new Pink and Blue shirts have arrived and we are busy preparing our Notebook Paper Graphic and Library Due Date Card Graphic designs on them!
We should have the first inventory of these beautiful new colors completed today and listed for sale in our Etsy shop online at in a day or two.  : )
We're excited to offer these new colors as another choice for both of these popular clothing lines. And, don't forget, we'll soon be expanding our designs into Maternity sizes too!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Another expansion is underway!

After a lot of requests from our customers, we are now in the process of sampling various suppliers of Maternity clothing. Once we settle on shirts that meet our quality level and exacting standards, we will expand our popular clothing lines into this very underserved area.

We did a lot of research online and in stores and found the selection for expectant moms to be dismal, at best. Our goal is to provide a high quality alternative for moms-to-be that is fun, affordable, and well-made.

We will keep you updated as we finish this process and then provide some sneak peeks of the new items as we being making them.  : )

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

And now, a sneak peek for you of our top-selling
Ladies Notebook Paper Graphic T-shirt ... in light Pink!

We're excited about this new color and are making another
version right now in a soft baby blue ... We hope you like the
new colors and we'll be trying these out in the Library Due Date Card
shirts as well. Visit our facebook page and let us know what you think!

Spoiler Alert: New colors being added to our popular Notebook Paper Graphic and Library Due Date Card shirts!

A number of customers have requested interest in both of these designs being offered in a light pink and a soft, baby blue color. We've found a supplier and sampled the shirts, and we're happy to announce we will be expanding our color choices in both to include the pink and blue options in addition to the white and yellow.  : )

We'll be posting samples of each as we make them and give everyone a sneak peek at the new colors. Then we'll include them as options and provide pictures on the Shop Just Wish Etsy site.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Legal Pad Graphic T-Shirt ...
sibling to our popular Notebook Paper Graphic line of custom clothing.  : )
We love this shirt and our customers do too ... we'll be expanding this graphic
into many other items in our shop over the next few weeks. We weren't sure what
the reaction would be when we introduced it, but after it was featured on a
lawyer blog (yep, you read that right), sales took off and a new favorite was born.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our popular Notebook Paper Graphic Baby Gift Set ...
Now with a full sized swaddle blanket!

A ridiculous confession ... while writing for the blog and creating this entry, Kathryn and I were watching a Smithsonian Channel show about the baby Jesus' birth and the Shroud of Turin ... I was distracted and actually wrote " ... swaddling cloth ..." instead of swaddle blanket. I kid you not. We had a good laugh about that and imagined all kinds of modifications to the blanket that, on reflection, will probably condemn us to hell.

Our best-selling item, the Ladies Notebook Paper Graphic T-Shirt:

We continue to sell more of this one single item than any other in our store ... it's been copied and reworked elsewhere, but nothing beats the quality and nostalgic appeal of our classic notebook paper tee. Go to Shop Just Wish and get the original.   : )

Monday, May 12, 2014

Yes, you are seeing this correctly ...
Library Due Date Card and Notebook Paper Graphic Aprons!
Thanks to an awesome idea for a custom order, we've decided to offer both designs on an apron just in time for Summer grilling.  : )

Just Wish Update - May, 2014

Wow ... where to begin? April closed out as the most successful month since the inception of Just Wish and we feel grateful and blessed.  : )

We surpassed all of our goals and had a spectacular finish beyond anything we ever imagined. Several unexpected placements on popular sites and blogs in mid-month caused sales to sky rocket. It was all we could do to keep up with the orders. Sleep was scarce for several weeks but we kept up the assembly line production that has expanded from Kathryn's studio into our dining room. Most days now we work in the larger dining room area, storing our products in the studio. After the morning routine of getting the kids fed, dressed and out the door to school, we move everything out and begin production. Most days the kids are banned from the dining room after they return home as we're still working and making products to fill our orders. Then we put everything away, reset the table cloth for dinner, and get on with the business of homework, dinner and raising a family. In the morning we do it all over again.

It's tempting to work 6 and 7 days a week and there have been times when we've had no choice. But we are still determined to set aside at least one or two days a week to leave it all boxed and in the studio to decompress and enjoy some time off. It's not easy when the phone keeps going "Ka-Ching!" and we know another order has been placed. We're learning now how to separate family from business and create a boundary that lets us tend to the other most important things in our lives like our kids and ourselves. And, we've realized that managing family first is the key to our success moving forward and we'll keep making adjustments to keep those priorities in place.

Another area we've improved in is learning to work smarter. We've always worked hard and poured our hearts into this business from the get-go, but hard work by itself is only one component of our success. We continually review our processes and figure ways to improve production while maintaining quality. That hasn't been easy. Sometimes an idea looks awesome on paper and we're excited to try it out -- only to find that we have to go back to the drawing board and start over. Mostly, we stick with what works and try to improve it. The few times we tried to "re-create the wheel" didn't work out as planned.

We've rolled out a few new products in already established lines and the response has been great. We're also receiving more custom orders in addition to folks buying "off the rack". That development has been wonderful because it allows us to interact on a more personal level with our customers, something we really enjoy. It's satisfying to know that someone likes something we've made enough to purchase it -- it's an entirely different experience to work with a customer to help create a special, one-of-a-kind item or gift and share the excitement they have.

One customer had a brilliant idea to use our Library Due Date Card shirt as a college graduation gift for a friend ... we "date stamped" an entry with her name and used the university as the author and her degree as the title of the book. We had so much fun creating this shirt for her and interacting as she helped finalize the final look and feel. When she finally received it, she was so excited she worried she wouldn't be able to wait until the graduation party to give it to her! She promised to snap a photo of her friend opening the gift and send it to us so we could share that moment. How cool is that?

Right now we're working on another project for a teacher who ordered the Notebook Paper Graphic baby onesie and burp cloth set. She is customizing lettering on it to use it as a way to announce her pregnancy to her co-workers and fellow teachers the last week of school! These kind of very personal and intimate interactions with our customers are exciting and we feel honored to be trusted and included in these special moments.

There have been many such experiences and we expect there will be many more. Knowing we have a quality product and that people appreciate it is enough for us to get excited and motivated to work every day. But being trusted to create lifetime memories for our customers is truly a great responsibility, and we will always approach this with respect and humility.

Right product, right place, right time. Add some hard work and excitement about what we do, willingness to adapt and change as needed, and above all, respect for our customers and their needs. It works. We are SO lucky.  : )

Kathryn and Jeff

Friday, April 18, 2014

Just Wish Update - April, 2014
So ... our business is growing in leaps and bounds. We're keeping up with the orders, but our lives have become a lot busier in a very short period of time. That's a good thing.  : )

As Kathryn mentioned earlier, we're now being featured in a variety of different places all over the web. More and more sites and people are seeing our shop and we continue to make more sales and outperform in every statistic. It's crazy!

We've doubled our sales again this month -- and we still have two weeks to go. In less than three weeks this month, we've notched as many unique views and favorites as we did for ALL OF LAST YEAR. Think about that for a moment. Yesterday was our largest single day of sales since inception and today we might very well top that. The orders keep coming in and we're so far beyond our most optimistic projections that we're now in uncharted territory.

It became apparent after a few months that we'd cracked a secret code into the world of inner geeks, nerdy types and professional folks that hadn't been exploited much. But now, with so many sales coming in, a few more things seem clear:  (1) that market is vastly bigger than we imagined and (2) a lot of folks who might not meet that description also love our creations and are buying our products.
Here's another interesting insight we discussed last night while trying to keep up with all the orders -- it seems that an unusually high number of our customers are buying items for someone other than themselves. The custom phrases people place on the items they give to friends and loved ones are sometimes funny, always creative, occasionally suggestive, and even touching and heartwarming. We love their enthusiasm and excitement as we communicate back and forth while making their custom orders!
Coming up next month, we're going to be featured on the front page of 9th&elm, a large national and very popular clothing website, for an entire week. We have stock on hand and have arranged with one of our suppliers to gather more inventory as needed on a next day basis. We will then remain on their website indefinitely afterwards as well. Preparing for that event has led us to push back the launch of our independent website another month so we can focus on getting product out the door and keep our 48 hour turnaround promise. We can do this, but we are going to be VERY busy and consumed with the business for a few weeks while that plays out.
Looking at our current sales trend, considering the increase in sales with the national promotion next month and exposure that will generate, then following up with the new website launch ... it's just amazing how successful Just Wish has become in such a short period of time. Our margins are ridiculously generous and it reminds us of an episode on Shark Tank where Kevin O'Leary commented to one of the presenters (who had similar margins) by saying, "... I don't know whether to congratulate you or call the police! ..."
We just feel so blessed and fortunate. It is true that hard work, good research, and tenacity pay huge dividends. But it almost seems like some kind of divine intervention has taken place. It may also be true that some of our success, I suppose, is dumb luck in that we seem to be positioned in the market at exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Whatever it is, we feel humbled and grateful.
Kathryn is now officially a member of the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW). I am so proud of her! She is really the driving force behind everything that's happening with our company. It's all I can do to manage the accounting and marketing end of this juggernaut she's created. We've also now been recognized as members of the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NVOBA) and that will open even more doors for us. It seems that every day more opportunities present themselves and we now find ourselves in the position of picking and choosing instead of hoping and wondering.
We continue to develop new prototypes and will introduce several new lines in the near future for market testing. This is becoming easier as our reach expands and we can more quickly make decisions about what will sell and what won't. On the business side, we have a solid formula for pricing that maximizes profit and keeps the price reasonable and affordable for our customers. We believe in the axiom of "Do one thing, and do it well" ... and we will keep that standard going forward. If it 'aint broke, don't fix it. We have our niche and we are doing well.  : )
And now, back to the delicious grind of making profit and growing the business. I'm going to give my gorgeous wife a hug and big kiss and thank my lucky stars for another awesome day that's so good, I just might have to hire someone to help me enjoy it. Thanks to everyone -- we appreciate your support and just know that you've all contributed to our amazing success.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quality beach time with the love of my life in Caseville, Michigan. 
- Kathryn