Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
?? Mystery Spider ??
Can you say Ewwww!?!
Thank God it was tiny so I wasn't TOO creeped out.
It was quite beautiful and quickly attracted the attention of Sierra. She tried to eat it but we shooed her away so I could get a photo.
I've never seen a bright yellow spider before. Zac is sure it was poisenous because he believes that many poisenous creatures are brightly colored to warn potential predators.
I could not find this spider in my spider book. If you know what kind it is please leave a comment because we are curious to know. Thanks!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Blair's Egg Stash
They don't nrmally run off in such a rush. We assumed they wanted to get into the sunshine and off the dewy grass.
When Zac walked around the yard he found them bickering about the space where we found Sierra's egg stash, except it is not just Sierra's stash. It is also Blair's. They have both been laying their eggs there!
Both hens wanted to lay an egg in the same place at the same time. Too funny! They figured it out and a short while later Zac added 2 fresh eggs to our egg carton.
He also made scrambled eggs for breakfast. Yummmm!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sierra's Egg Stash
She was nestled between a shed and an old steel bedframe that had grass and weeds growing tall enough to make her feel sheltered. (we had to pull everything back to get the picture)
She usually laid her eggs in a small crate which is inside the enclosure we keep her and Blaire in at night to protect them from predators. (They free range during the day.) Blaire usually laid her eggs in the garage.
We assumed they stopped laying because they were stressed after we took them to a friends house when we went to Kansas and they just hadn't fully recovered. We continued to keep an eye out for eggs around the yard.
Now we have to find Blair's egg stash. There are a lot of potential hiding places for nests out here in the woods.
Monday, May 24, 2010
'Be Roman Tic'
"Be Roman Tic."
A hint:
The prince reads aloud from his Royal Guidebook,
"Chapter 4. How A Prince Must Behave At Ball"
"#1. Smile at Maidens."
The prince smiles at the maidens and they giggle.
"#2. Look heroic."
The prince flexes his muscles for the maidens and they giggle.
"#3. Be Roman Tic."
Huh? The prince looks at the book again and reads,
"Be Roman Tic??"
The prince appears puzzled, looks at the book again, and reads aloud,
"Be romantic!!"
Aha! He gets it.
Do you know it yet?
The movie is....(drum roll please).....Happily Never After!
Zac and I can't stop laughing (and quoting) that line!...."Be Roman Tic"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Global Academy: A Little More Info
Bash has never attended school before. I expect the transition to be quite smooth because we have always learned in a similar manner, except this will be a little more directed (with the goal being to complete specific proficiencies rather than learning for pure enjoyment) and formal (presenting an essay, speech, poster, powerpoint or any other possible form of communication you can imagine to the mentor rather than an informal conversation with mom).
Bash Has Been Accepted To Global Academy!
The young people are researchers rather than students. The researchers create their own projects rather than work through someone elses prepared curriculum.
The state of Michigan no longer requires students to spend a certain number of hours in a classroom to earn credit. Instead the students are required to show proficiency in many specific areas within each subject to earn credit.
Global Academy lists every proficiency within every subject. The list shows which proficiencies have been completed and which have not. The researchers have 24/7 access to this list so they always know what they still have to complete. The researchers are encouraged to complete the proficiencies in whatever way they want. They are actually creating their own lessons and curriculum using their personal interests and preferred learning styles.
To be continued...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Chicken Dog
I Miss You 2
I Miss You!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Looking Up 3
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Looking Up 2
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Friday, May 7, 2010
Being Cool At The Fountain
At The Fountain
The edge of the fountain angles in and is quite smooth. For a second I thought I might fall in. LOL That wouldn't be too big a deal except that water is an unnatural shade of blue. Eww.
Pretty Roof
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View From the Top #5
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View From The Top #3
Riding The Tram
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Bash Riding In The Tram
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An Unusual View Of The Gateway Arch
Bash And The Arch
The Arch Through The Trees
The Abandoned Hard Hat
I wish I would have used my flash. :(
Bash's Reflection
Which Way Do We Go?
Tall Round Building
They have a lovely home.
We visited with everyone for a while. I wish we could have stayed longer. I love being with the Browns!
*This is a neat building in St. Louis.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Bush
After the funeral, we drove to the cemetary. Bash and I rode with Dad and Judy. Bash and Rob were pall bearers.
There was a lovely dinner at the church after the cemetary.
* This bush was outside our hotel room. I love how the bright new growth contrasts and compliments the deeper color of the older growth.
I Fixed My Pump!
The cover to the well pit jarred and broke a small copper pipe. Water was spraying everywhere. Well, that's an exaggeration. The water was spraying in the well pit and a little on the ground.
Any sort of repair that requires me getting greasy or laying on the ground or being cold and wet and dirty is not my thing, but I put my big girl pants on and tried to figure it out.
I did figure it out but we could not get the nut off to fix it! I kept going back to it and it finally broke loose! I took my parts to the wonderdul hardware store guys (who are always patient when explaining in detail how to fix my problem) and spent a grand total of $1.88. Thank GOD! That's the cheapest repair around here yet.
We have running water again and no leaks. God is good!
Skater Crossing?
Mike and Krystal generously opened their home to us. Thank you!!!
*This photo was taken in Kansas. Someone put a skateboard sticker on the pedestrian crossing sign. (Does that make it a skater crossing sign?) The skateboard looks just like it was part of the original design. I love it! LOL
Road Trip Pics
By the way, we did not travel in this neat little car. It was just a cool car on the road in Kansas. I thought it was a fun image to introduce our trip and a great excuse to use a picture of a random strangers car in my blog. :-D