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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Parker and Peyton Have Finally Arrived!

I am excited to welcome our second and third grand babies to our family! 

These precious little boys were born 30 seconds apart today! 
Parker weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. and was 21 1/4 inches long. 
Peyton weighted 7 lb. 1 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long.

Interestingly, Peyton was born en caul. This is quite rare, occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births. The whole birthing staff ooohed and aaahhhed when they saw him come out with his sac intact. It was neat!

Mommy is doing well. The boys are nursing like champs. Daddy is proud and can't wait to get home from deployment to meet his sons. 

I would like to give photo credit to Amanda, at Amanda Cobb Photography. Amanda is not only a gifted photographer, but she was also amazing with the boys. She was gentle and patient and spent as much time as necessary to wait for our precious little guys to settle comfortably into each pose. The pictures are beautiful and it was a wonderfully sweet experience. Thank you, Amanda!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

My favorite picture from our Mother's Day weekend.

We spent the holiday pampering ourselves at a hotel for this holiday. 

The night before Mother's Day my boys gave me cards and gifts that they had picked out and signed themselves. They were so sweet that I cried. We hung out in our hotel room and chatted until they fell asleep, in the same bed! They looked so sweet I just had to take a picture. 

This picture makes me so happy. Only a year ago we had just moved in together and our boys were struggling daily to get to know each other and become a family. Now they are peacefully and happily sleeping in the same bed together. It warms my heart.