Shop Just Wish

Friday, June 9, 2017

KILL CANCER & the cell it rode in on

A lot has happened since we've been away...

I will start with the good news:
We are in the process of introducing a new design line.

And now the bad news...

Our new designs line was inspired by a diagnosis of cancer.

Our new line is:
Killing that tumor with humor-
Through Stage4Products
we will be sharing our inspiration, 
humor, sarcasm, battle cries, and more 
as we fight our way through
and WIN this battle.

Read on to learn more of how Stage4Products came to be...

Stage4Products was born the day Jeff was diagnosed 
with advanced stage, inoperable cancer

We had no idea he was sick. He thought he had a broken rib. When we learned we were shocked. Speechless. 

As soon as the doc and nurse left the room, Jeff looked at me and declared, "I'm going outside for a smoke." After a dramatic pause, and with a smirk on his face, he followed up with, 
"What's it going to do? Give me a tumor?"

We know right then and there that this still unknown diagnosis had just thrust us aboard the gallows-humor-train and that his snarky tumor remark would be an instant classic.

Many more sick jokes and ideas (see what I did there?) flowed that day and in the days following as we moved through the initial shock of it all.

Soon, Jeff teased that we should create a new line of macabre designs for our store based on our cancer diagnosis experience and call it "Stage IV Productions" because, well, cancer happened.

Sarcasm, irony and dark humor have helped us move through this diagnosisWe want to share that inspiration and comic relief with you, too. Through Stage4Productswe will be sharing our inspiration, humor, sarcasm, battle cries, and more as we fight our way through and WIN this battle

Now that you have read our story, go to our shop at and take a look around at our updates and new designs.

Our shop is how we pay our bills, and cancer is not cheap, so please remember to like, comment, pin, tweet, and share in whatever way you are most comfortable. We need all the love we can get...

We appreciate your kind words and positive thoughts and prayers.

Thank you all for being so kind to us!
With LOTS of love,
Kathryn & Jeff
Stage4ProductsKilling that tumor with humor.