My son sent me an update a while back regarding what he had been up to. For security reasons he is not permitted to share sensitive information (which is pretty much everything when you are on a ship) until they have completed their mission. Please continue to pray for his and his shipmates safety and well being while they selflessly defend and protect the seas, our country and our freedom.
Here is what he wrote:
I sent the boys pretty close to the same message…
Told them I stopped in Spain…
Show them on a map…
Look for the towns, ROTA, and PALMA DE MALLORCA…
This is the pirate story…
We are an independent ship over here...
Which means we get tasked to do odd jobs all over the place...
A few days ago we received a distress call that a cargo ship was being attacked by pirates...
We rushed over to help them of course...
By the time we got there the attack was over the pirates had left...
But we tracked them down...
They were in two little boats...
So we followed them for a little while...
Then we pulled up beside them...
Then 500yds.
Best part was...
I was manning the forward most. 50 cal. Machine gun the whole time.
Talk to you later…
As his mother I sat there and cried for a bit and off and on for the rest of the day. I was a bit happier living in ignorance thinking that since he was a brainiac he would somehow be shielded from battle. I am better now, but do not let myself spend time thinking about it or I would be a mess.
He sent each of the boys great letters.
"B"s letter reads:
What is up buddy?
Happy Halloween!
(I know I’m a little late.)
We are across the Atlantic Ocean.
We stopped in Spain for a few days…
Got to have some fun there…
Didn’t take too many pictures though…
I got to see some real life pirates…
They wear normal clothes…
and use boats like Darren’s…
Not as cool as if they had big boats with sails and eye patches and peg legs…
But it was still pretty exciting…
What’s going on with you?
Talk to you later…
"Z"s letter reads:
What is up Zee Wee!
Happy Halloween!
(I know I’m a little late.)
We are across the Atlantic Ocean.
We stopped in Spain for a few days…
(Have mom show you on a map where that is…)
I took a few pictures…
But not as many as I wanted to…
I got to see some real life pirates…
They wear normal clothes… and use boats like Darren’s…
Not as cool as if they had big boats with sails and eye patches and peg legs…
But it was still pretty exciting…
What’s going on with you?
Talk to you later…
The boys have always had a fascination with pirates so this was quite exciting news for them. Ronald is such a wonderful brother to share that story in a way that is exciting rather than scary.
I am so proud of him. He has grown to be an amazing man.
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