Making raviolis was really neat. We made real stiff dough with eggs, flour, water and salt. After a spin in the mixer we kneaded it, then ran it through a pasta press. When I say it was a stiff dough, I really mean it. It was like kneading really old play dough.

We began by putting a small, flat-ish ball through the rollers set at the widest setting. Every time we put the dough through the press we adjusted the press one notch thinner until it was the proper thickness (thinness?). It was really cool! You can find this recipe along with many more of my favorites at The Recipe Box.
In addition to the BWAY-violis we had homemade meatballs, sauce, garlic bread and a beautiful antipasto platter. Yumm!
All this fabulous food combined with our favorite BWAY-group made it taste even better. What a great day.
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