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Saturday, October 24, 2009

This picture was taken from the window in Z's loft. Yesterday, most of the trees had plenty of leaves. Today was very windy and rainy. The rain darkened the trunks and branches of the trees so they appeared almost black creating a stunning contrast against the bright yellow leaves. The wind relieved the trees of most of their leaves. Especially long gusts of wind created spectacular shows of leaping and fluttering leaves that covered the sky as they danced to the ground creating a golden blanket to warm the earth below. The brush under the bare trees is still a brilliant shade of green that reminds me of spring. One can also see the dark wandering line where the creek divides the yard from this window. The ground beyond the creek does not share the same golden blanket as the rest of the yard because it is thick with an entire summers growth of unmowed grass and weeds. A trio of deer
visit these unkept grasses often. It is always a treat to watch them graze.

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