The beautiful stream I told you about yesterday is directly behind this barn. The naughty goat I am speaking of is the large black and white one standing near the white barrel on the right side of the barn. The skittish little black and white goat is standing in the doorway of the barn.
"B" went to do the morning chores by himself. "Z" and I decided we would come along after we had done the dishes. We had not finished yet when "B" came back to tell us that the two goats had escaped and were trying to butt him.
We all headed down to the barn to attempt to round those little stinkers up. The big one was standing up on the stalls eating the other goats hay…you know the grass is greener on the other side was in action at that moment.
"B" brought down a bale of hay and that goat immediately started eating it. We fed and watered the other goats in their stalls then tried to get her to follow us down to her barn but she just ran around. The other little goat that escaped is very skittish and ran away anytime we came near it.
We went to the other barn to retrieve a leash, went back to the barn where she was (but wasn’t supposed to be), I hooked it around her collar and she happily walked back to her barn with us. Silly goat.
Later in the day when we went out for the evening chores we found her back in the big barn (where she does not belong). Again we fed and watered the animals and she stood up eating the other goats hay, but this time she walked by my side back to her own barn and the skittish one followed a safe distance behind.
It was snowing a bit and we wanted to be sure to totally fill all their water buckets. While we were filling buckets with water to carry down to the big barn, who comes strolling up the driveway? Yep. You guessed it! It was that silly goat! She came right up to us and got all the dogs riled up and barking.
She happily followed us back down to finish watering the animals and we put her back in her barn then went home to fix dinner.
I wonder if we will find her back in the big barn in the morning...or if she stayed in her barn like a good little goat.
I know you are anxious to know what we had for supper. We had turkey burger nachos for dinner and chocolate chip cookie bars for desert. Yum! “Z” raved that these were the best nachos he has ever had. If “Z” likes it then it must be pretty good. You can learn how we made these at The Recipe Box.
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