We have never cared for goats before. They are interesting creatures. Several are very friendly and loving, others are skittish or want to butt when you have your back turned.
Part of our routine when feeding and watering the animals is to observe them. We watch the way they move about and look for signs of illness or injury or anything unusual to keep an eye on.
Usually the goats are interested in us and want attention and like to nibble the fresh hay, but yesterday morning the little pregnant goat was licking the wall and ignoring us and her food. I texted her owner but she did not get my message (probably because they are in a condo that overlooks the ocean).
When we went back in the afternoon, she was still licking the stall, but it appeared that she had worked her way around from the side wall to the back wall. I texted her owner to inquire again as to what to do with her, and sent a picture because she looked so funny with her back to me and her nose stuck to the wall.
By the time I got back to the house she had texted back that I should check that she has a salt lick. We immediately went to the barn and found it. As soon as she saw it she practically ran and stuck her head in the bucket. Her pen mate also hurried to stick her head in the bucket. They were still licking it when we left.

They must have had their fill of minerals because they were back to their old selves when we gave them their evening hay.
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