Bash and I enjoy watching NCIS. In the show, Tony DiNozzo often uses things he has seen in movies as references to real life experiences. Ziva David often teases him about this and states that she prefers reading over movies.
In one episode, Tony figures out that Ziva has been watching movies. He finds a movie list she got from the library or somewhere. Her explanation was that she was watching these movies to help her better learn about and understand American colloquialisms. If I remember right it was a list of 100 movies every person should see.
I have two reasons for sharing this observation.
1. I am considering picking out a list of 100 must see movies and watching them. That should be fun and interesting.
2. I think TV and movies are great learning tools. My boyz and I often find that things we learned from television broaden our knowledge of the world around us and how things work. TV also exposes us to things we may never be exposed to any other way, which allows us to pursue an interest we may not have had without the TV.
This episode of NCIS revealed another positive aspect of TV and movies. TV and movies help us understand how certain terminology, phrases and jokes came to be and give deeper meaning to the things we hear and read. TV and movies broaden our cultural knowledge and our brain knowledge.
Disclaimer: I think that TV and movies are great tools, but, I do not believe that sitting in front of the TV and never experiencing life is good either. No single activity should be the only thing a person does. Every person should enjoy a variety of activities for a well balanced life.
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