Character is who u r when noone is looking. One can fake good character4 a while, but eventually will slip up&his true character will be revealed. I used 2 think the best of ppl&believed that if person acted bad but stopped after I asked, then he had improved his character. I was very niave. The reality is that he still had poor character but was faking good character 4 the moment. I was always surprised when that bad character(that I saw with my own eyes)came back to bite me. Duh! The way a person treats others is the way that person will eventually treat u. The way a person behaves reveals his character. Period.
If a person tells me anothers secrets, I can be sure he's telling my secrets. If a person lies or asks me 2 lie, eventually he'll lie 2 me. If a person is violent w/others, he'll eventually be violent w/me. A mans vulgar comment reveals that he'll eventually dishonor me. Ur behavior reveals ur character which reveals who u REALLY are.
** NOTE: "He" refers 2 both men & women.
You definitely hit the nail on the head with this one.