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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ronald Is Home!

Well, not home here, but home in Virginia where he lives.


Ronald called late last night but I did not answer because I did not recognize the number. He left a message stating that the battery on his phone was dying and he would call or text tomorrow. I texted back stating that I love him and I will answer next time, now that I know that is his number.

(Yeah, I’m a phone snob. Early on in homeschooling I learned that I must diligently manage the telephone or it would run my life. I am a firm believer that the phone is intended to be a convenience in my life, rather than my master that I must jump to every time it calls. If I am in the middle of something or just don’t feel like answering, I don’t. My friends know to leave a message and I will get back to them when it is convenient. I do answer if the same person calls 3 times in a row because I assume it is urgent.)

He called back this morning and reported that he is happy to be home and enjoying long drives and browsing the local stores. It is quite a treat after living on a ship in the middle of the ocean for the last seven months. He also plans on coming up soon for his friend’s wedding, if he can get the time off.

Man floating in Dead Sea while reading the newspaper.

He said that the best place he had visited was Israel and really enjoyed the tour of where Jesus went during His last days, including the Garden of Gethsemane. He also said that swimming in the Dead Sea was just like the old photo of the man floating as if in a floating chair while reading a newspaper and that you would bob around like a cork in water if you attempted to remain upright.

It was wonderful to hear his voice! And I am thankful that he is safely home and can't wait to see him in real life.

1 comment:

  1. To the mother of Ronald Renshaw, please accept greetings from Robert Ratliff, father of Craig Ratliff, who serves with Roland aboard the USS Mahan. On Thursday, my family was at Norfolk for the return of our sons to the USA.

    I recorded a video of the homecoming and posted it on YouTube at Other photos on my FaceBook

    Many of the family and friends at the homecoming had steaming tears flowing past broad smiles as we all enjoying great pride that men and women serving in the U.S. Navy are protecting innocent commercial sailors from the highjacking of ships and ransom demands by gangs from Somalia.
