Good morning, all, and God bless each and every one of you for showering me with so much love, grace and kindness these past several days.
I am feeling better - my digestive tract appears to be straightening itself out and while I still am in a lot of physical pain, that issue is hopefully behind me and I am not so overwhelmed.
Your responses to my brutally honest post about the challenges I am facing have filled me with hope and courage. I am not giving up, I am not quitting, I am never going to stop fighting.
The cancer in all the various places in my body is going to do its thing and there is absolutely nothing I can do about that, including the pain that comes with this territory.
But my Heavenly Father is also going to do His thing, and I will have faith and trust in Him. He knows exactly what he is doing. My task for this minute and the one that follows is to surrender what I can't possibly control to Him.
This morning, another round of chemo and, hopefully, another day of healing and overcoming whatever comes my way. If I continue feeling better, I will post more later today after the chemo and some much needed rest and sleep.
I just can't express in words how much all of you have helped me and how grateful I am to have such beautiful, magnificent people in my life who truly, deeply and honestly love and care about me so much.
Heavenly Father has marshaled His forces and the angels have arrived to tend to my needs. You are all the proof and reason to know that when I surrender these things to Him, tender mercies will abound.
More later when I have finished this day's appointments - and THANK YOU for the precious sacrifices of your time and attention in the face of your own needs and challenges.
Until then, I will follow the inspirational example to be on "The Lord's Errand" and finding my way through these times.
Whatever this day brings, I am grateful for the opportunity to be here, to be with you, and humbled by your heartfelt wishes, prayers and eternal optimism. You have restored my faith and trust and today, I will be grateful. I love you all.

feeling grateful

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