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Thursday, January 18, 2018

You Are Amazing! Jeff's Health Update


Less pain this morning than yesterday - and that's the best start of a morning I've had in WEEKS. 😎

No, everything isn't "perfect" and so what? The trend line is moving up for at least this morning and I am grateful, happy and feeling pretty damned lucky.

Nothing to eat or drink after 8 am, and a Barium radioactive "smoothie" at 10, followed by a CT Scan at 11 am. All the fancy cover-up words they use are humorous and designed for everyone except the folks (me) who have to force it down. Same routine, same stuff. But "smoothie" does sound better than "radioactive sludge", I suppose. 😉

Results from the CT Scan, as usual, won't be available until next week sometime when I meet with my Oncologist to review and make plans.

After everything I've been through this past month, I'm not scared. It is what it is. If all goes "well", then no changes. If necessary, we'll look at other chemotherapy options and deal with that when it gets here.

So - overall, still in pain, but feeling improvement. I am just going to let this day come to me and enjoy and wring every little bit of enjoyment out of it I can find.

I want you to do the same and know that it if I can smile this morning, believe me, so can you!

Just for today, let something go that you have no control over that's been nagging and bothering you. Just appreciate whatever bits of goodness come your way and don't discount or miss out on them. They're precious and rare and gifts for YOU.

Have a great day, people, and THANK YOU for loving me through the worst and best of times. You are MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING and I love you all! ❤️

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